Small Study about Aions (Negative ions)
There are two types of ions – positive and negative. Positive ions are atoms that have lost one or more electrons due to a high energy impact. Natural forces that generate positive ions include the decay of radioactive minerals, radon gas, forest fires, lightning and ultraviolet rays.
Anions (or negative ions) are atoms or molecules having more electrons than protons and giving off what is known as a negative charge. In nature, negative ions are created with air molecules broken apart from sunlight, radiation, and moving air or water. Negative ions can be found in forests, near the ocean, and surrounding waterfalls. They have also been known to help relieve stress, alleviate depression and boost energy. Positive ions are considered harmful to the human body, while negative ions are considered beneficial.
Anion in air is like vitamin in food, greatly benefits people’s health and everyday routine, therefore, it is also being referred to as vitamin in air, which can facilitate body growth and disease prevention, the benefits are different to different organs:
- To respiratory system: improves lung function. 30 minutes after anion intake, the lung is able to inhale 20% more oxygen and exhale 14.5% more carbon dioxide.
- To cardiovascular system: significantly reduces blood pressure, improves cardiac muscle function and nutrition, facilitates the dilation of capillary vessel and the rise of skin temperature.
- To nerve system: energizes whole body, improves sleep quality, eases pain and tension.
- To metabolism: activates different enzymes in body, reduces blood sugar level, cholesterol, increases blood calcium, urine amount, increases the amount of nitrogen and creatinine in urine, accelerates bone growth, prevents scurvy, rachitis, vitamin insufficiency.
- To blood: increases the number of white and red blood cell, hemoglobin, reticulocyte, blood platelet, globin, heightens PH reading, shortens blood forming time.
- To immune system: improves reflex system and endothelial system, enhances body’s anti-disease ability.
- Strontium ferrite is also added in the anion chip, which is bio-magnetic and activates the human bio-current, preventing various diseases and vaginal itching.
Did YOU know !!!That most sanitary pads produced today contain traces of the organochlorine-dioxide and is one of the most potent carcinogen known to science.“Dioxin is 10 times more likely to cause cancer than was believed in 1994, says the EPA, and a lifetime of exposure to tampons, in particular, can mean a significant accumulation of toxins in a woman’s body and many non-cancer effects, including birth defects and child developmental delays. ” Inside most sanitary napkins is some sort of cotton or cloth like layer, an absorbent that turns into gel when it absorbs liquids and other paper like materials mixed together to form that middle layer, that have been bleached, disinfected with various chemicals and disinfectants, sometimes there are odorized agents that help mask the odor, and a plastic bottom layer that does not permit any leaks, and the chemical glue that stays on our panties. Sounds good enough, except all of the above cause most women to have rashes, infections, viruses and other gynecological problems. Simply because they are not made of natural materials and provide an amazing environment for all sorts of bacteria and viruses!
Investigations have since proved that most menstrual sanitary pads available on the market are produced from recycled paper materials containing print ink and other chemicals which are later bleached with chemicals dioxin and chlorine. Studying the chemical dioxin and chlorine they are cancerous chemicals when they come in contact with the human skin and more especially the tender part of the woman’s genitals.
Do you ever wonder why you feel refreshed and relieved whenever you go to the beach or to the mountains? The fresh sea breeze, spray of seawater on your face or the fresh mountain air is like food for your body right?
Science has an explanation for that refreshed, revitalized feeling – negative ions.
The air we breathe contains electrically charged natural particles called ions. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an ion is an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons. Positively charged ions are called cations while negatively charged ions are called anions.
Research shows that negative ions, which can be generated by lightning, ocean surf and waterfalls, among other sources, can improve health. According to ion researcher Michael Terman of Columbia University, “The action of pounding surfs creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods.”
Columbia University also conducted a study of 25 people with Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD). The patients sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for half an hour every morning for a month. Half of the patients were given a low level of negative ions, while the other half were given a high level. The results of the study showed that a high level negative ion treatment is as effective against SAD as antidepressants such as Prozac and Zolof, minus the side effects of the said drugs.
Aside from treating depression, research also shows that exposure to negative ions increases alertness and relaxes people who are in severe pain. Negative ions also destroy and extract from their air certain types of bacteria that cause colds, influenza and other respiratory infections. A high concentration of negative ions in the air is also said to make the air refreshing to breathe. This explains why the air in the mountains, near waterfalls and seashores, where there is a high concentration of negative ions, is refreshing. Negative ions are said to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral.
The negative ion green strip embedded in the pad, releases 5000-8000 anions per centimeter which effectively helps to inhibit the survival and growth of bacteria and viruses thus minimizing infections as well as many female health issues. The glue used on”Anion” sanitary napkin is non-toxic, food grade quality and edible glue which is the last layer of this pad.
The strontium ferrite is also added in the anion chip, which is bio-magnetic protects by China Patent, can activate the human bio-current, to prevent the various diseases. In addition, the strontium added in the chip fiber helps prevent skin diseases and vaginal itching.
In other countries, more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of negative ions. Such awareness has brought forth negative ion clothing lines, bracelets, water, and air purifiers. Negative ions and even can prevent dysmenorrhea, vaginal odors and infections.
Kathtren Maranga, Winalite International’s stockist for Cebu, shared that she used to suffer from severe dysmenorrhea, until she was introduced to Anion Sanitary Napkins and Pantyliners.
Men, too have started using the product as jockey liners, especially for those who have prostate cancer.
Mark Carriaga, Winalite’s top distributor in the Philippines, said that more and more males, especially those who are aware of the health benefits of negative ions, are using their products.
“While women readily use the product as sanitary napkins or pantyliners, men who want to use the products, use it as jockey liners or just remove the negative ion strip (the green strip at the center of the sanitary napkin or pantyliner),” he said.
Mark explained that the negative ion strip can be used externally or internally. The strip, he said, can be placed over wounds, or areas with bacterial or fungal infections. This can also be soaked in water and used in washing affected areas or in bathing.
“You can also soak the negative ion strip in your drinking water or iced tea. Just make sure the water is lukewarm to cold,” he added.
Mark shared that among the prominent people in the country who are using Anion are former President Joseph Estrada and his family, Pilita Corales and former senator Mamintal Tamano.Those who are exposed to negative ions, Mark said, have smoother, glowing skin because these ions also act as detoxifiers.
“Because negative ions are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, they also heal skin infections,” he explained adding that Winalite’s Anion is the cheapest negative ion product in the market.
Mark added that because of the increasing awareness of the health benefits of negative ions, even doctors are now recommending the use of their products. “There are a number of doctors who buy our products and use the negative ion strips on their patients,” he said.
Want to recharge and feel refreshed, revitalized and healthy? Try the negative ion therapy now.
So, make the right choice for your bodies and the
environment, ladies!
Call 9990121492 to enquire about best negative ion Sanitary Pads to be used for women ?
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