Shocking facts about Sanitary Pads
Many women are unaware of the risks they undergo, while unceremoniously going through their monthly ritual, hoping it would be less painful this time. But what every woman often neglects and is ignorant about, is that the sanitary pads that they use have become a silent health threat over the years, like a ticking time-bomb. Investigations have since proved that most menstrual sanitary pads available on the market are produced from recycled paper materials containing print ink and other chemicals which are later bleached with chemicals dioxin and chlorine. Studying the chemical dioxin and chlorine they are cancerous chemicals when they come in contact with the human skin and more especially the tender part of the woman’s genitals.
As per the studies, about 470,000 women suffer from cervical cancer every year and about 230,000 died from cervical cancer, 70% get infected from UTI, these pads can can cause infertility and birth defects and other harmful diseases. By using these napkins, dioxin(an environmental pollutant) accumulates in the body which can cause serious health risks and diseases such as immune system damage, diabetes, hormone dysfunction, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cancer and others.
This implies that as the woman is bleeding wearing this kind of pad, no air enters the woman’s system and because of this, warmth develops between the pad and her private part, with the moisture from the blood this area becomes a breeding ground for germs, fermentation takes place hence the reason the pads are smelly when removed after use (Situational Environment). W.H.O report indicate two hours of a woman putting on these pads about 107 different germs develop per Cubic centimeter of the surface area of the pad. When pressure is applied on the pad through sitting, because paper is not absorptive enough, the pad allows a back flow of the blood into the woman’s reproductive system with all the germs which will have developed and the chemical mixed with the blood causing infection to the woman’s reproductive system. You may be surprised that among the germs that develop on the pad (Substandard) at the two hour estimation is HPV virus type II. Fibroids and menstrual disorders are suspected to occur because of an imbalance in the female hormones due to toxins absorbed in the body from the substandard pads and other sources. Some pads are made of a gel as to absorb the flow but if the gel is a chemical gel the same effects occur.
In short, this type of a sanitary technology does not understand the hygiene of a woman during menstruation and is responsible with the mystery in the increase of gynecological diseases in women which lack of this information has contributed to violent misunderstandings especially in relationships in the form of GBV.
These happen because of low quality pads or Sanitary Napkins which they are using knowingly or unknowingly. As, per them they are using best Sanitary Napkins but are they really best which can save them from any Gynae diseases … ? There is a big question around this …
We can prove this from one demo that they are not using the best sanitary napkins which can Eliminate skin irritation, Rashes, Itching, Infections, Bad odor and Stains and be comfortable and clean during periods.
With a small demo we can prove that the Sanitary Napkins which they are using are not the best ? Call me at 9990121492 if you wish to see this demo …
Below are some of the facts regarding this study …
- The cellulose in your super-absorbent pads can cause cervical cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women.
- There are chemicals in your pads which can cause multiple diseases and infection.
Dioxin present in pads and tampons can cause abnormal tissue growth in the reproductive organs. Rayon , used to increase the absorbing capacity of pads, also contains dioxin. - Deodorants used in pads can cause infertility and birth defects.
- Pesticides and herbicides sprayed during the rearing of cotton, used in making pads, can make its way into your bloodstream and cause cancer.
- Sanitary napkins also contain synthetic material, which blocks wetness and temperature, leading to the growth of yeast and bacteria.
- Phthalates, also called plasticizers, gives tampons a smooth finish, which can lead to multiple organ damage.
- If you don’t change your pad or tampon in 4 hours, it can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome and even death. An overgrowth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the vagina leads to Toxic Shock Syndrome, which in extreme cases can lead to death.
- Recently, a 13-year-old girl in the US, Jemma-Louise Roberts died because of Toxic Shock Syndrome.
- On an average, a woman disposes off around 15, 000 -20,000 pads in a lifetime, which is a major concern as these pads are non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled.
One conventional pad is equal to 4 average size plastic bags. Imagine the size of a landfill filled with disposable, commercially made pads used by all the women in the country.
So what’s the alternative? Menstrual cups and Organic cloth pads are the way to go.
Watch this video to educate yourself a bit more:
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