Ayurvedic herbs helpful for Skin Diseases

Ayurvedic herbs helpful for Skin Diseases

Skin diseases are numerous and a frequently occurring health problem affecting all ages from the neonates to the elderly and cause harm in number of ways. Many people may develop skin diseases that affect the skin, including cancer, herpes and cellulitis. In Ayurveda, there are plants and the herbs which are frequently used to treat all kinds of Skin diseases. Skin which is considered as the largest organ of the body consists of several layers that protect the body from germs and other environmental toxins. The skin has many purposes, like isolation and temperature control. A layer called “acid mantle” covers healthy skin and acts as a barrier. The skin also contains natural oil called “sebum” which protects and lubricates our body.

The skin can present many problems that may include a symptom of poor health like skin soresspots, cracks, excess oil, dryness, flaking, itching, cracking grains and rashes. The causes are varied which may include stress, caffeine overload, allergies, high levels of copper, poor digestion, constipation, poor circulation, lack of exercise, sun damage, irritating cosmetics, liver malfunction, pollution air, dehydration and drug or alcohol abuse.

Ayurvedic View on Skin Diseases
According to Ayurveda, the skin has six layers, which is not only superficially, but extends to the deepest levels of the body. A skin disease is, in most cases, deeply rooted in various dhatus or tissues such as fat, muscle, blood, etc. Most skin treatments are generally based on external applications, such as oils and creams that however, never reach the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the symptoms disappear for a while, and the disease is not rooted permanently. Ayurveda always tries to root out the disease by treating it specifically according to its cause. As the disease is deepseated it is difficult to fix the problem quickly. Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a few weeks to remove the symptoms but the diseases are treated permanently.

Ayurvedic Causes on Skin Diseases
Two major causes of disease in Ayurveda are improper diet and lifestyle that a person is going through in recent times. Following a diet or lifestyle that is against the season or Prakriti (nature) of a person, creates an imbalance in the human body, thus contaminating the tissues of the body to produce a skin disease.

In Ayurvedic terms, although skin diseases are caused by imbalances in the three doshas, the main suspect is pitta dosha Pitta is symbolizes fire or heat. Therefore, all those foods or activities that increase the fire element in the body must be eliminated. These types of food includes hot, spicy, fried, and oil foods. Acidic foods such as yogurt, vinegar, tomatoes and citrus should not be taken and should be avoided. Drinking too much tea and coffee as this contains caffene, exposure to heat and sun and alcohol also aggravates the pitta.


Ayurvedic Herbs For Skin Diseases :
There are lots of Ayurvedic herbs which can be taken to cure the skin diseases. We have mentioned few of them below :

Aloe Vera (घृतकुमारी): Aloe vera gel contains two hormones known as gibberlinn and auxin both these hormones have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation. The Giberellin in Aloe vera acts as a growth of hormone which stimulates the growth of new cells, allowing the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring.
Aloe vera have soothing properties that can reduce inflammation of the skin, itching and blisters, while helping the skin to heal faster. Furthermore, in Ayurveda  Aloe vera is used effectively to cure chronic skin problems such as psoriasis, acne and eczema.

Sandal Wood (चंदन): Sandalwood has many antimicrobial properties. In Ayurveda acharyas it is recommend using of sandal wood as part of the regimes of natural skin care to cure and relieve many ailments and skin diseases.
One of the main uses of this wonder herb is that it can kill germs, soothe inflamed skin, and clear blemishes left by acne, including stubborn. Clean and clear skin can be obtained from regular use of sandalwood.

Turmeric (हल्दी): It is known that pure blood always keeps the skin glowing and radiant. The Turmeric purifies blood, nourishes the skin and gives a natural, healthy glow and radiant. In India turmeric have been used traditionally as face pack in every families. It consists of gram flour, pure turmeric powder, milk and honey. This reduces the pimples of the skin, acne and avoids many ailments. This face pack also prevents the formation of skin wrinkles.

Azadirachta indica (नीम) : Neem or so called Azadirachta indica has proven beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases due to its antibiotics, antifungals and blood purifying properties. According to ayurveda principles skin diseases is caused due to vitiated Kapha and pitta. Neem pacifies vitiated kapha and pitta, thus helps to cure skin diseases. It promotes the healing of wounds as it has antibacterial and astringent properties. In ailments like psoriasis it reduces  itching, irritation, skin roughness and cures psoriasis patches.
In the same way it heals eczema and reduces the infection and inflammation of acne. The combination of neem and tulsi immensely helps to maintain the health of the scalp skin and dandruff .It have been proven best to control diseases of the skin.

Marigold (गेंदे का फूल): Calendula (or Marigold), with its deep orange and yellow flowers is one of the best for all the skin aliments like it is good for minor cuts and burns, insect bites, dry skin and acne. Marigold flowers have antiviral and antibacterial properties, that soothe the inflammation and helps in speedup wound healing. It is best for all types of skin either it is soft or strong, it makes it very useful for all skin types. Calendula tea can be used as an astringent to rinse face for acne, two or three times may get the best result. Most suitable preparations are available without a prescription as ointments, creams, oils and lotions.

Flaxseed (अलसी): Flaxseed is obtained from the herb flax, it contains omega-3 the essential criteria for the proper synthesis of the immune and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is useful in the cure of skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema and that are associated with inflammatory processes. One can take one or two tablespoons of cold-pressed flaxseed oil daily, preferably with other foods.

Tulsi (तुलसी): Tulsi is helpful in many skin diseases and it is effective in skin rashes, insect bites and itching. The leaves of this plant are used effectively used in ring worm infections and lucoderma. One can use Paste or juice of Tulsi leaves to reduce acne, pimples and scars.

Saffron (केसर): Saffron helps to reduce dark pigments; dark circles under the eyes, acne and pimples and helps in increase fairness and glow of skin.

Indian gooseberry (आँवला): The amla juice helps in reducing the burning sensation of the skin. It reduces inflammation, strengthens hair follicles of the skin of the scalp.The Amla boosts immunity of skin and helps to prevent pimples and acne.

We at medsherb have also formulated a lotion (Shaar Lotion) which contains Ghandhak (Sulphur). Kapoor, , Manjistha, Neem and Lime water which is effective in Skin diseases like Dandruff, Eczema, Leucoderma, Hairfall, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Scabies and any kind of skin related problems

Shaar Lotion

 Note : Please consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy especially during pregnancy or while taking prescription medications.


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