Small Study about Aions (Negative ions)
What are Aions There are two types of ions – positive and negative. Positive ions are atoms that have lost one or more electrons due to a high energy impact. Natural forces that generate positive ions include the decay of radioactive minerals, radon gas, forest fires, lightning and ultraviolet rays. Anions (or negative ions) are atoms or molecules having more electrons than protons and giving off what is known as a negative charge. In nature, negative ions are created with air molecules broken apart from sunlight, radiation, and moving air or water. Negative ions can be found in forests, near the ocean, and surrounding waterfalls. They have also been known to help relieve stress, alleviate depression and boost energy. Positive ions are considered harmful to the human body, while negative ions are considered beneficial. Anion in air is like vitamin in food, greatly benefits people’s health and everyday routine, therefore, it is also being referred to as vitamin in air...